Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Why nicotine pouches may not be the best choice to help you to stop smoking

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Dipa Kamdar, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, Kingston University
If you are trying to stop smoking, you may have heard of nicotine patches or gum to help reduce cravings. But how about nicotine pouches? Small, tobacco-free sachets containing a powder made up of nicotine, flavourings and other additives, nicotine patches are placed between the upper lip and gum to release a nicotine buzz without the damage to lungs.

Nicotine pouches were first introduced to the UK market in 2019. Common brands in the UK include ZYN, Velo and Nordic Spirit. Nicotine pouches are

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