Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Plastic pyrolysis − chemists explain a technique attempting to tackle plastic waste by bringing the heat

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Kevin A. Schug, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Texas at Arlington
Alexander Kaplitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Chemistry, University of Texas at Arlington
In 1950, global plastic production was about 2 million tons. It’s now about 400 million tons – an increase of nearly 20,000%.

As a material, it has seemingly limitless potential. Plastic is inexpensive to produce while being lightweight and sturdy. Its applications range from food and beverage packing to clothing and health care.

When a plastic item ends its useful life, it can take a very long time to decompose, up to 500…The Conversation

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