Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Theft, daydreaming and everything in between: most of us are a bit ‘deviant’ at work

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Brad Harris, Professor of management, associate dean of MBA programs, HEC Paris Business School
We usually think of workplace deviance as linked to “bad apples”–the troublemakers who egregiously slack off, steal from the company or openly clash with coworkers. But what if deviant behaviour was also more subtle–daydreaming, taking long coffee breaks or cracking an edgy joke in a meeting? It turns out most employees engage in quieter patterns of minor misbehaviours, and it’s changing how we think about deviance on the job.

Traditionally, research has kept deviance in neat boxes: bad behaviours are either interpersonal…The Conversation

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