Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Curious Kids: what was the biggest dinosaur that ever lived?

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Nic Rawlence, Associate Professor in Ancient DNA, University of Otago
What actually was the biggest dinosaur?

– Zavier, 14, Tauranga, New Zealand.

Great question Zavier, and one that palaeontologists (scientists who study fossil animals and plants) are interested in all around the world.

And let’s face it, kids of all ages (and I include adults here) are fascinated by dinosaurs that break records for the biggest, the longest, the scariest or the fastest. It’s why, to this day, one of most famous dinosaurs is still Tyranosaurus rex, the tyrant king.

These record-breaking dinosaurs are part…The Conversation

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