Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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How to learn a language like a baby

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Kateřina Chládková, Assistant professor, Charles University
Šárka Šimáčková, assistant professor, Palacky University Olomouc
Václav Jonáš Podlipský, Assistant Professor of English Phonetics, Palacky University Olomouc
Learning a new language later in life can be a frustrating, almost paradoxical experience. On paper, our more mature and experienced adult brains should make learning easier, yet it is illiterate toddlers who acquire languages with apparent ease, not adults.

Babies start their language-learning journey in the womb. Once their ears and brains allow it, they tune into the rhythm and melody of speech audible through the belly. Within months of birth, they start parsing continuous speech into chunks and learning how words sound. By the time they crawl, they realise that many speech chunks…The Conversation

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