Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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The ‘sustainable’ cod in your shopping basket may be no such thing – new study reveals mislabelling

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Marine Cusa, Pew Marine Fellow; Marine Policy Advisor, Oceana Europe & Research Scientist, Technical University of Denmark
Stefano Mariani, Professor of Marine Biodiversity, Liverpool John Moores University
Cod sold in some European supermarkets is being mislabelled and is actually fished far from its claimed origin, according to our new study. We sampled cod sold in Germany, Spain, France and the UK and found that about 30% of it originated in a different location.

Seafood mislabelling, in which one species is sold as another, is a common problem. It may happen by mistake or by deliberate fraud, in which case, there is at least hope…The Conversation

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