Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Labradors and humans share the same obesity genes – new study

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Eleanor Raffan, University Assistant Professor in Systems Physiology, University of Cambridge
Pippa flops by the Aga oven chewing on a stick. At just 12 weeks old, this labrador retriever puppy looks cute but clueless. But when she hears the word “biscuit”, her entire demeanour changes. Ears pricked, she’s immediately at her owner’s feet, gazing adoringly, sitting, even woofing on command.

We led a study to find out how genes have such a significant influence on why humans (and dogs) become overweight. It was their reputation for greediness that led us to focus on labrador retrievers. Genes are responsible…The Conversation

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