Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Governments can keep raiding takeaways and nail bars, but businesses will still employ undocumented migrants

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Aida Hajro, Chair in International Business, University of Leeds, and Founding Co-Director of Migration, Business & Society, University of Leeds
Milda Žilinskaitė, Senior Scientist, Competence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility, Vienna University of Economics and Business, and Founding Co-Director of Migration, Business & Society, Vienna University of Economics and Business
The UK is far from the only country to be caught in a heated debate over its migration system and border security. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get its response right, because the UK debate ignores a fundamental truth: migration trends largely follow economic cycles and labour demand.

It is well-documented that immigration increases during periods of economic growth and declines during downturns. Furthermore, Brexit has aggravated the UK’s labour shortages…The Conversation

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