Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Miss Austen: the TV show about the Georgian writer’s life embraces her love of fiction

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Gillian Dow, Associate Professor of English, University of Southampton
At the heart of the BBC’s new series Miss Austen is a fictional Cassandra Austen (played by Keeley Hawes). Reviews have stressed that the real life Cassandra’s destruction of her sister Jane Austen’s letters has been considered one of the greatest acts of literary vandalism in history. These letters would have provided an invaluable insight into the author who died so young.

Why Cassandra destroyed her sister’s correspondence – and what she destroyed – cannot be known. But Miss Austen gives us intriguing speculation. It deals with family relationships, and with what gets passed down…The Conversation

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