Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Emmanuel Macron used every diplomatic trick in the book at the White House – but Trump writes his own rules

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Helen Drake, Professor of French and European Studies and Director of Loughborough University London's Institute for Diplomacy and International Affairs, Loughborough University
If there was a book of diplomacy, then French president Emmanuel Macron threw it at US president Donald Trump in their joint press conference in Washington DC. Macron delivered quite the masterclass in the diplomatic arts. Unthreatening body language and public displays of affection? Check.

Meeting your interlocutor on any and every inch of common ground? Check. Macron’s willing use of fluent English was a key tactic here. Other than when answering French-language questions (when to have responded in English would have brought Macron yet more domestic grief), he adapted to the language…The Conversation

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