Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Trump mineral deal with Ukraine offers hope but little in the way of security

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Jonathan Este, Senior International Affairs Editor, Associate Editor
If you want to get an idea of how Donald Trump’s mind works (and this can change from day to day, as we know), it’s worth taking a look at his TruthSocial website. As I write, beneath a video pinned to the top of his feed featuring an AI-generated vision of “Trump Gaza” (complete with casinos, shopping malls and a giant golden statue of the man himself), can be found a clue to the frenetic presidential activity of the past month.

In a post threatening legal action against any writer or publisher whose “Fake books” offends, Trump refers to himself as “a President who is being given…The Conversation

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