Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Guinean ‘Disappeared’ Activist Resurfaces with Marks of Torture

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Human Rights Watch
A prominent civil society leader in Guinea, Abdoul Sacko, went missing in the early hours of February 19, 2025, after gunmen took him from his home in the capital Conakry, raising concerns about an enforced disappearance. He resurfaced that night bearing marks of torture.Sacko, a critic of the military junta which took power in a September 2021 coup, is coordinator of the Guinean Social Forces’ Forum (Forum des Forces Sociales de Guinée, or FFSG), a civil society network calling for a return to the country’s constitutional order. According to Sacko’s colleagues, gunmen broke into…

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