Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Autistic women face barriers to safe and supportive maternity care – new research

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Aimee Grant, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow, Swansea University
Catrin Griffiths, Health Psychologist and Research Officer in Infant Feeding, Swansea University
Kathryn Williams, PhD Candidate in Access to Healthcare for Autistic Adults, Cardiff University
Childbirth is often described as one of life’s most profound experiences, but for many, it can be fraught with anxiety, pain and trauma.

Autism is a lifelong neurotype, which affects around 3% of people. It is linked to differences in communication and sensory processing.

Women have historically been underdiganosed…The Conversation

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