Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that causes lifelong suffering – here’s what you need to know

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Cristina Pina, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, Brunel University of London
Victor Hernandez-Hernandez, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, Brunel University of London
Right now, approximately 20 billion red blood cells are busy travelling through your blood vessels. They are delivering oxygen to all the different tissues in your body and removing carbon dioxide to be breathed out of your lungs.

Red blood cells are discs curved inwards on both sides, without a cell nucleus. They are full of haemoglobin, a protein responsible for gas exchanges. At the core of a haemoglobin molecule is an iron carrying…The Conversation

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