Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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What is a ‘crime scene’, really? An expert explains how it’s more than just blue police tape

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Vincent Hurley, Lecturer in Criminology. Police and policing. Dept of Security Studies & Criminology, Macquarie University
When you watch the news, one phrase usually comes up as soon as crime is mentioned: “police have established a crime scene”.

If you’re a fan of the forensics crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, it will conjure up images of police waving a blue, fluorescent UV light in a darkened room looking for blood, saliva, fingerprints, footprints or tooth impressions.

CSI has influenced an entire generation – this year, the franchise will celebrate its 25th anniversary. But the reality of crime scene…The Conversation

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