Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Indépendant et neutre par rapport à toute orientation politique ou religieuse,® vise à promouvoir les grands principes démocratiques sur lesquels repose la tolérance.

In 2024, independent voters grew their share of the vote, split their tickets and expanded their influence

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Thom Reilly, Professor & Co-Director, Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University
Jacqueline Salit, Professor of Practice & Co-Director, Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University
Postelection analysis of 2024 voters’ behavior reveals several ways self-described political independents differ from those who say they are Republicans or Democrats.The Conversation

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