Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Unveiling the Antarctic ‘plastisphere’, a unique and potentially hazardous new ecosystem – new research

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Pere Monràs i Riera, Investigador predoctoral en conservación y gestión de la biodiversidad, Universitat de Barcelona
Elisenda Ballesté, Profesora agregada en Microbiologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Antarctica, the world’s most remote, harsh and pristine continent, is not free from marine pollution. Where human activity goes, plastic debris inevitably follows.

What might the early explorers of this icy wilderness think today, upon discovering a continent transformed by permanent fishing activities, research stations, military presence, tourism, and all their environmental impacts? Among these, plastic pollution stands out, as it has created a unique new ecological niche in the ocean.

Once it gets into the water, plastic debris provides surfaces that can be quickly…The Conversation

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