Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Just Stop Oil drew needed attention to climate-threatened Stonehenge

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Will de Freitas, Environment + Energy Editor, UK edition
Two Just Stop Oil activists recently sprayed powder paint on parts of Stonehenge, the 5,000 year old monuments in southern England. The paints will wash away with the rain, the campaigners claimed. But at least one archaeologist thinks the stones will have a harder time surviving the longer droughts and more intense rains of the near future.

The action predictably prompted outraged responses from the likes of UK prime minister Rishi Sunak (a “disgraceful act of vandalism”) and the man likely to replace him, Keir Starmer (“Just Stop Oil are pathetic”). In the days that followed, it…The Conversation

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