Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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There’s nothing undemocratic about a large Labour majority – in fact, managed properly, it could provide the space for serious debate

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Tony McNulty, Lecturer/Teaching Fellow, British Politics and Public Policy, Queen Mary University of London
In the final stage of the 2024 election campaign, the Conservatives have turned to scaremongering about the size of the Labour majority thought to be on the cards after July 4.

The idea seems to be that allowing one party to take the lion’s share of seats, however democratically, would be an undemocratic outcome – like writing that party a blank cheque to do whatever it likes.

Critiques on this front will have to be faced and addressed – with both humility and a clear plan. But the more likely challenge for Starmer will be internal party management to ensure that all voices…The Conversation

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