Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Why legacy media brands still matter in the UK’s ‘social media election’

(Version anglaise seulement)
par David Deacon, Professor of Communication and Media Analysis, Loughborough University
David Smith, Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Leicester
Dominic Wring, Professor of Political Communication, Loughborough University
For decades, the front pages of newspapers have documented iconic campaign moments. Now, many think that the internet (particularly social media platforms) is where an election is won or lost. Some have even dubbed this year’s general election the “TikTok election”.

It is true that the nature of campaigning has changed, and newspaper and broadcaster reach has waned. But legacy media brands still drive much of the political conversation around elections and beyond, though analysing their continuing reach and influence…The Conversation

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