Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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US Imposes Sanctions on Ex-Ugandan Military Commander

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Human Rights Watch
Click to expand Image Then-Brig. Gen. Peter Elwelu of Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces gives an interview at Mbarara military base, Uganda, on February 7, 2014. © 2014 Isaac Kasmani/AFP via Getty Images On May 30, the US government announced travel sanctions against five former and current Ugandan government officials, including Peter Elwelu, the former deputy chief of the Ugandan Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF). The US State Department announced that Elwelu was sanctioned due to “extrajudicial killings that were committed by members of the UPDF” while he was commanding Ugandan…

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