Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Regard sur nous et ouverture sur le monde
Indépendant et neutre par rapport à toute orientation politique ou religieuse,® vise à promouvoir les grands principes démocratiques sur lesquels repose la tolérance.

All Eyes on Rafah: sharing images of war comes with a moral responsibility. What can we make of this AI-generated anomaly?

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Sara Oscar, Senior Lecturer, Visual Communication, School of Design, University of Technology Sydney
Cherine Fahd, Associate Professor Visual Communication, University of Technology Sydney
The All Eyes on Rafah image has been criticised as being overly sanitised. How does it compare to other war images? And where is the line between performative solidarity and moral responsibility?The Conversation

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