Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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No, strict environmental rules do not harm global high-tech firms competitiveness

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Regis Coeurderoy, Professor in Strategic Management and Innovation, ESCP Business School
Duong Nguyen Huu Thi Thuy, PhD candidate in management, ESCP Business School
Valérie Duplat, Associate Professor of business strategy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Offhand, you may not think of the pharmaceutical and biotech industry as the greenest one around. The sector makes heavy use of chemicals and solvents, not to mention large amounts of water, and its complex supply chains sprawl worldwide.

The result is a hefty carbon footprint, according to our research. The healthcare industry’s net emissions (nearly a third of which come from the pharmaceutical industry) are estimated to account for 4.4%…The Conversation

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