Vanuatu: why a chain of tiny Pacific islands wants an international court opinion on responsibility for the climate crisis
(Version anglaise seulement)
par Emily Wilkinson, Co-director, Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
Matt Bishop, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of Sheffield
Nadia Sánchez Castillo-Winckels, Visiting Research Fellow, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Small island states are losing their patience with big polluting nations as they suffer the devastating impacts of climate change. Without significant movement at the forthcoming COP27 climate talks in Egypt, a pivotal vote at the next UN general assembly meeting, brought by the tiny Pacific islands of Vanuatu, could open the floodgates to international climate litigation.
A core group of 16 states led by Vanuatu, will table a draft resolution at the general assembly in December requesting that the International…
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vendredi 4 novembre 2022