Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Could Jean Charest Become The Next Prime Minister of Canada?

(Version anglaise seulement)
B.A. Sciences poliitques, membre de®

Canada has one of the most flourishing economies in the World. The nation is the 10th largest economy with $1.7 trillion in GDP. Canada is a member of the G7; therefore, Canada has some influence on the World stage. Canada is considered as a middle power with powerful close allies like: the United State, the United Kingdom, and France. As a result, the roles and responsibilities of the Prime Minister of Canada are substantial. Canada is a multicultural nation with two official languages and the nation is the second largest country in the World. One of the most important political groups has been the Conservative movement that formed several governments on the national level and in many provinces. Nowadays, the Conservative Party is looking for the right leader to win a general election and to form a national government. Jean Charest might be one of the contenders of the 2020 Conservative leadership contest. The former Premier of Quebec is seen by many as the right person to lead the nation. They think he could defeat Trudeau`s Liberals and he could form a government that responds to the needs of Canadians. Jean Charest is fluent in English and French; he has been a head of a provincial government for 9 years between 2003 and 2012. Nevertheless, he led a government with very low approval ratings and his provincial government triggered the largest student strikes in Canadian history. Nevertheless, he is a master in the art of winning elections; he is an outstanding performer in TV debates and he won most of his elections. Therefore, he could be the right candidate to get a Conservative government in power. Jean Charest has more experience in election campaigns and TV debates than Prime Minister Trudeau. In sum, Charest is a great political manager and an expert in winning elections.

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Yannick B. Vallée
par Yannick B. Vallee

Yannick B. Vallée est un politicologue, diplômé de l’Université Bishop's (Lennoxville, Québec, Canada), détenteur du baccalauréat en science politique. De plus, il a un diplôme d’études collégiales en Techniques administrative (option : marketing) de Champlain St. Lawrence College, au Québec. Il s’intéresse... (Lire la suite)

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