Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Pirates Capture Another Luxury Boat

(Version anglaise seulement)
Pirates have captured another luxury boat operating in the Indian Ocean Seychelles archipelago after it dropped off tourists on one of its islands, according to officials.

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It was not clear who the pirates were or when the Indian Ocean Explorer was seized with its seven Seychellois crew members. The boat is believed to be sailing towards the Somali coast, they said. Foreign Affairs Minister Patrick Pillay told reporters his government had contacted naval forces in the region who  ''guaranteed to track down the boat." The S/Y INDIAN OCEAN EXPLORER, a high-end cruiser designed for oceanographic research with a state-of-the-art technical suite for underwater photography and diving equipment, is kitted out to hold 12 passengers.

Source: ECOTERRA Intl. Posted April. 2, 2009.

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