Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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New Israeli Law authorizes the prime minister and the minister of defense to declare war "under extreme circumstances"

(Version anglaise seulement)

By Gal Perl Finkel and Gilead Sher

The Knesset has recently amended the “Basic Law: The Government,” with respect to "authority to declare war or conduct a significant military operation." Under the previous legislation, this authority was given to the government, but the new law grants the authority to the Ministerial Committee for National Security (the Security Cabinet). However, the final version of the new law goes even further, and concludes: "Under extreme circumstances and for reasons that will be noted…the prime minister and the minister of defense are authorized to make the decision in a more restricted legal quorum."

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Image : GPO.  Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman, left, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu HAIM ZACH/GPO 


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