Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Greenpeace's activism : Too radical or too peaceful ?

(Version anglaise seulement)
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Greenpeace_V.L. Hunter

While Greenpeace manages to hold media and public attention with its variety of non-traditional actions, it has been the object of considerable criticism, originating mostly from governments and industries, but also on occasion from other environmental organisations. Many critics claim that some of Greenpeace’s activism is too radical. Some believe that it is this kind of activism that has led to the decline of membership and support for Greenpeace, which, in the past decade, has lost about 2 million members. Indeed, membership decreased significantly in the mid-1990s, especially in Canada and the US. Presently, Greenpeace numbers approximately 2.8 million members, mainly in Europe.

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