Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Transform the daily grind to make life more interesting – a philosopher shares 3 strategies to help you attain the good life

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Lorraine Besser, Professor of Philosophy, Middlebury
Imagine it’s Monday morning, too cold and too dark, but once that alarm goes off, you know you’ve got to rally. The kids have to get to school. You’ve got to get to work. And, of course, your ever-growing to-do list hangs over your head like a dark cloud, somehow both too threatening to ignore and too threatening to start its tasks.

On days like this, you may be grateful simply to make it through. But then it begins, all over again.

While you can’t escape the grind, you can transform it. The latest psychological…The Conversation

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