Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Seven ways to be a successful remote-working manager

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Olga Epitropaki, Professor of Management, Durham Business School, Durham University
Anders Friis Marstand, Associate Professor in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, Durham University
Ilias Kapoutsis, Associate Professor of Management, Athens University of Economics and Business
Remote work has become the norm for many organisations, but its impact on work outcomes has been mixed. On the one hand, the increased flexibility and reduced commuting time it offers have been linked to improved employee wellbeing. On the other, remote work can lead to stress, fatigue, isolation and a heavier workload. Employees often report feelings of social isolation, as digital communication cannot fully replicate the depth of face-to-face interaction.

And while flexible schedules can be a benefit, they come with the downside of blurred boundaries between work and personal time,…The Conversation

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