Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Regard sur nous et ouverture sur le monde
Indépendant et neutre par rapport à toute orientation politique ou religieuse,® vise à promouvoir les grands principes démocratiques sur lesquels repose la tolérance.

We, the People

(Version anglaise seulement)
par , Liberal Arts student

The different cultural aspects of the “People” of America are a fascinating treasure trove of enigmas and disclosures. As a product of the dominant American culture, I found “Understanding Race” (1), a video on the various ethnic minorities that now reside in the United States, extremely informative, yet as I watched the different cultural groups, I was conscious of my own culturally conditioned reactions to various aspects of the presentation. While watching this video, I kept asking myself: Who, exactly, make up “We, the People”?

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