Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Leadership and teamwork at high altitude: seven lessons from Everest

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Edurne Pasabán Lizarribal, Profesora asociada, IE University
Borja Santos Porras, Vice Dean and Professor of Practice - IE School of politics, economics and global affairs, IE University
Climbing a mountain is a journey not only of physical endurance, but also of profound personal and collective growth. Whether scaling the world’s highest peaks or undertaking a multi-day trek, these expeditions can teach us massive amounts about leadership in our day to day lives.

When we talk about leadership we often think of a strong, singular leader at the front of the group, but embarking on a mountain expedition is impossible without a strong and united team. An ambitious goal requires a dedicated and cohesive group with a shared vision.

1. Find your common purpose

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