Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Carriage romps, good vibrations and a web of lies: what we’re streaming in June

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Erin Harrington, Senior Lecturer in English and Cultural Studies, University of Canterbury
Jadey O'Regan, Lecturer in Contemporary Music, Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Co-author of "Hooks in Popular Music" (2022), University of Sydney
Marina Deller, Casual Academic, Creative Writing and English Literature, Flinders University
Phoebe Hart, Associate Professor, Film Screen & Animation, Queensland University of Technology
Stuart Richards, Senior Lecturer in Screen Studies, University of South Australia
June is set to be a month of holding up the mirror to reality, with our experts recommending three new non-fiction watches.

No streaming list is complete without some true crime, so we’ve got the long-awaited second season of The Jinx (which comes nearly a decade after the first). We also look at Netflix’s scandalous Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal, a three-part docuseries that dissects the infamous site designed for people seeking affairs.

Of course, we’d be remiss to not pay attention to the latest Bridgerton offering, which has proven to be equal parts sultry, dramatic…The Conversation

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