Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Power cuts have hit South Africa’s labour market hard: the biggest toll has been on jobs – new research

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Haroon Bhorat, Professor of Economics and Director of the Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town
Timothy Köhler, Junior Research Fellow and PhD candidate, Development Policy Research Unit, School of Economics, University of Cape Town
Access to electricity – measured by the share of individuals who use electricity as their main energy source – has significantly improved in lower-income countries in recent decades. Thanks to large-scale rural electrification and infrastructure development programmes, 90% of the population in these countries had access by 2021, up from about 74% at the turn of the century.

In many of these countries, however, electricity supply is often unreliable. Generating capacity is inadequate, there’s not enough…The Conversation

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