Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Looking inside ourselves and out at the world
Independent and neutral with regard to all political and religious orientations,® aims to promote awareness of the major democratic principles on which tolerance is based.
On Campus
Children of immigrants tend to achieve higher levels of education than children of Canadian-born parents, but there are wide differences in rates of completing university among young people of different national origins, according to a study by Statistics Canada,. (Full Story)
In 2005, 43% of teens aged 15 to 19 reported that they had had sexual intercourse at least once, down from 47% in 1996/1997, according to a study released by Statistics Canada. The decline was due to young women, among whom the proportion who reported having had sexual intercourse fell from 51% to 43%. The proportion of young men who had had intercourse remained unchanged at 43%. (Full Story)
Children from households with higher incomes were much more likely to participate in organized sports than those from lower-income families according to a new study by Statistics Canada which covered the period 1992 to 2005. The same was true of children whose parents were highly educated as opposed to those with parents who had a high school diploma or less. (Full Story)
The International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO) together with the County Council of Justice and Public Administrations of the Generalit at Valenciana (Spain) organise the III International IJJO Conference, which will be titled: "Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe: current situation, trends in applicable models and good practices". The Conference will be held on the 21st and 22nd October 2008 at Valenciana, in Spain. (Full Story)
Teenage motherhood has generally been associated with negative and long-term socioeconomic consequences for women, but it does not necessarily condemn them to a life in low income, according to a new study, released by Statistics Canada on May 23, 2008. (Full Story)
By Miriam Rabkin, Contributor to®
It has been a long time since the environment received as much press as in 2007. A glance at recently released books shows an ever-increasing importance given to global warming, nuclear energy and organic food. Environmental damage is often portrayed as an almost irreversible fact. Do people, and in particular youth, feel they can make a difference? Do they care? And if they do, what role do they think they can play? surveyed students and young professionals, as well as specialists in the field, to see what they have to say. (Full Story)
By Gerrit Beger

WISMAR, Germany – Young people from Group of 8 industrialized countries and the developing world, as well as German federal and state government officials, have gathered here for the Junior 8 Summit – the international youth conference with an agenda that parallels the G8 Summit. (Full Story)

Latest European youth week urges young people to lay down their wishlist for tomorrow's EU. From 3 to 10 June, the EU is holding its third European youth week. After the success of the 2003 and 2005 versions, young people across the continent are being called on once more for their thoughts on the European project. (Full Story)
By Neil Caplan, Ph.D., London School of Economics and Political Science, Member of®
What are the positive aspects of diversity in a city like Montreal, and a campus like Vanier College? Are there any possible “downsides” to diversity – problems that a society will encounter when diverse populations live together? Does the mainstream really accept diversity, or are there subtle presumes to make diverse people fit into a particular social mold or common identity? (Full Story)
Montréal—To mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, ®, the Tolerance Webzine, is joining forces with Vanier College, Collège de Saint-Laurent and the University of Sudbury to celebrate the wealth in diversity. Lively presentations, thought-provoking discussions and an exhibition of outstanding images are on the program for March 16 and 21. The events are organized jointly by the staff of the participating institutions and professors who are members of ®. (Full Story)
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