More than a million people have been victims of genocide in the past ten years, despite countless promises by world leaders and international organizations that never again would such tragedies be allowed to occur. Moreover, talk of genocide remains ever-present in the news. ® decided to probe deeper into the question and met with experts on the topic.
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Montreal - Stephen Lewis, past Canadian ambassador to the United Nations and Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, addressed a room of over 500 people, mostly students, on Monday, January 16th at Concordia University. Invited by SHOUT (Students Helping Others Understand Tolerance), Lewis spoke about a number of issues that worry himin an articulate and engaging manner, keeping a cynical and pointed sense of humour throughout his speech.
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They are young and openly gay, lesbian or bisexual. They have one goal in mind: to build a future that matches their ambitions. They are convinced that their difference is an advantage in the struggle against prejudice. Between two exams and as many meetings, they take the time to meet with a journalist and express their opinions on the daily lives of gays and lesbians who, like themselves, are still in school. Each has had unique but complementary experiences that, taken together, form an enlightening portrait of their present condition.
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Photo by Gunther Gamper. Perhaps more than anywhere else in the rest of Canada, the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah which took place this past summer spilled over into the streets of Montréal, becoming a prominent and explosive subject for its entire duration. How did the Arab and Jewish students of Montréal experience the political events? What tensions did they live through and what sentiments did they feel towards each other?® conducted several interviews with students and young professionals.
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Article and photos by Guy Labissonnière, journalist
On Wednesday, September 13, 2006, Jean-Marie Dufresne and his co-worker Patrice Grenier were giving a first-aid and CPR course to employees at the Collège des médecins. They were eating lunch at Plaza Alexis-Nihon, just across the street from Dawson College, when they saw a stream of students running to safety in the shopping mall. Thinking they could help, they ran to the scene, where they quickly came upon two people who had been shot and were lying on the sidewalk.
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Sarah Harding is a student in the International Baccalaureate Program at Vanier College in Montréal.
I appreciate the “On Campus” section of the Website because the articles deal with issues that concern us as students. One article that particularly touched me is "Being Catholic Today, or How to Resist Conformism" by Ulysse Bergeron. This article made an impact on me because I agree with the author, whose says it’s not easy to be observant in today’s consumer society.
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© Marcel Tremblay On the bulletin board in front of Mr. Saint-Michel’s office, at least a dozen fliers for confessional groups have been posted. There is something for every belief.
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©® They are young. They’re at an age (18 to 23) when they’re searching for themselves. They’re petrified of forgetting their culture and going too far in adopting the values of their new country. To them, Islam is not only a religion: it’s a point of reference, even for those who are less than fervently observant. They are thrilled when their Québécois buddies wish them a “Happy Ramadan!” With a proud smile, they say, “It’s becoming like Christmas!” Several dozen of them answered the question put to them by®: “Do you like your life in Quebec?” Here, in their voices, is what it’s like to live as a Muslim student in Montréal.
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©® Torn between two cultures, female Muslim students must redefine their relations to their male counterparts, justify their lifestyle choices to other Muslim women and integrate into the receiving society. They face many challenges; each meets them in her own way. Most Muslim college girls don’t wear head-coverings and religion does not play a large role in their daily lives. But even among the most observant students, the girls’ attitude towards the veil they wear and outlook on the receiving society varies widely from one group to another, even from one student to another.
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© Reuters In less than fifty years, the religious landscape in Quebec has changed considerably, with the phenomenal decline of Catholicism, a marked religious disaffiliation, and the extraordinary rise of non-Christian religions. Today, young Catholics are encountering a well-established religious pluralism. What relations do they develop with believers of other denominations?
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