Ph.D., Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Christian Agbobli holds a Ph.D. in communication. He is Professor of international and intercultural communication at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada. His research is targeted towards international communication and development as well as toward the role of the media in intercultural relationships. As a member of, Dr Agbobli is responsible for partnerships with universities and for student participation.
Marilyne Alie is a student at Vanier College in Montreal.
James McGill Research Chair on Social Discourse
 Marc Angenot FRSC, a professor in McGill's French Language and Literature Department for over forty years, has been awarded the Prix du Québec Léon-Gérin for his outstanding contributions to the social sciences.
The most prestigious awards bestowed by the Government of Quebec in all fields of culture and science, the Prix du Québec honour outstanding researchers whose careers have contributed to Quebec's scientific and cultural advancement in their fields.
Angenot, a world-renowned researcher, is widely considered to be the father of Social Discourse Theory. He is the James McGill Research Chair on Social Discourse. His vast body of work encompasses intellectual history, linguistics, politics, semiotics, rhetoric and informal logic, as well as literary theory. Some of his critically acclaimed works include: Les Champions des femmes (1977), La parole pamphlétaire (Paris, 1985), 1889 : Un état du discours social (1989), Idéologies du ressentiment (1995), Rhétorique de l’anti-socialisme (2004), Le Marxisme dans les grands récits (Paris, 2005) and Dialogues de sourds (Paris, 2008). The Yale Journal of Criticism published in 2004 a special issue titled "Marc Angenot and the Scandals of History".
He was the 2012 Chaim Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Intellectual History at the University of Brussels.
président, Mouvement laïque québécois
Daniel Baril is a journalist. He is the président of the Mouvement laïque québécois. He lives in Montreal.
Tara Bognar is a graduate of McGill's Faculty of Law with an academic background in religious studies and lives in Montréal, Québec.
Master of Arts, History, UQAM
Bernard Bohbot is a Ph.D. student at Université du Québec à Montréal. His dissertation topic : Phénoménologie de l’esprit juif en Mai 68, deals with the way Jewish radical activists who took part in the May 1968 student riots in France were influenced by their own Jewish background. This research also surveys their tortuous (sometimes hostile) relations with the state of Israel.
Professeur titulaire, Université de Montréal
Please see Professor Bouchard's Biography in the French Section.
Ph.D., London School of Economics and Political Science
 A native of Montreal, Neil Caplan received an MA in Canadian Studies from Carleton University, Ottawa, and a Ph.D. in Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London). Since retiring from teaching in 2008 he has held an affiliate position in the Department of History of Concordia University and is Scholar-in-Residence at Vanier College, both in Montreal. An internationally respected researcher and scholar of the Arab-Israel conflict, he is the author of numerous scholarly articles and eight books, including Futile Diplomacy, a documentary history of Zionist-Arab and Arab-Israeli negotiations, 1913-1956 (4 vols., re-issued 2015, Routledge Library Editions). He has co-authored, with Laura Z. Eisenberg, Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: Patterns, Problems, Possibilities (2nd ed. 2010, Indiana UP). With Yaakov Sharett, he co-edited and translated My Struggle for Peace: The Diary of Moshe Sharett, 1953-1956 (3 vols. 2019, Indiana UP). Sharett was Israel’s first Foreign Minister and its second Prime Minister. Caplan’s latest book is the second edition of The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories (2019, Wiley-Blackwells) -- a book-length expansion of his 2004 essay, ''Israelis and Palestinians: Victims versus Victims.''
Teacher at a college in Montreal, Canada.
|® Contributor
Frédérique David is originally from France. Ms David has been residing in Quebec for the past fifteen years and works as a freelance journalist.
Anthropology professor.
For more information on the Great Promoters of and on, please contact Victor Teboul:
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| Columnist
Julie Dumontier is a columnist. Julie writes on human rights and is presently completing a Law Degree at l'Université du Québec à Montréal.
M.Sc. Political Science, Université de Montréal
Georges Dussault is an intercultural relations consultant who has worked in the field of financial and tax planning since the early 1990s for a firm unaffiliated with the major financial institutions. He is presently a member of the electoral college of the Chambre de la sécurité financière. Mr. Dussault is particularly interested in raising awareness within the business community toward cultural diversity. Mr Dussault is a member of
Aziz Enhaili is an expert on the Middle East, of Islam and Foreign policy. He is a contributor on irregular basis to the ‘’Neighbouring countries’’ of the European Union, a unit of Europe2020, a groupe dedicated to prospective studies. He is also author of three essays of which two have been published in Barry Rubin's collective works, Political Islam (Londres: Routledge, 2006) & A Guide to Islamist Movements (M.E. Sharpe, New York, 2010). Mr. Enhaili is a contributing writer at
president, Middle East Pact (MEP)
Masri Feki is the author of several books on the Middle East. His most recent work « Israël, géopolitique et enjeux » is published by Studyrama (Paris, 2008).
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Author and literaryy critic.
Naim Kattan was born in Irak in 1928. He passed away in France on July 2, 2021. He will be sadly missed. He is the author of more than 50 works of fiction and has received numerous awards.
B.A., Literature, Université du Québec à Montréal
Francois passed away on December 21, 2016. He is survived by his mother, his companion Yvan, his cousin Louise Labissonnière, Victor Teboul and several close friends.
He was a strong supporter of and will be missed by us all.
The group presents its deepest sympathies to François's family and friends.
François La Bissonnière has taught Quebec and French literature at the Collège de Saint-Laurent, in Montreal, in a social and educational environment recognized for its ethnic and cultural diversity. Mr. La Bissonnière has also taught French as a Second Language to Indochinese students. He was a theatre lover and had conducted theatre workshops aimed at the staff of a seniors' residential centre. Mr La Bissonnière was a member of
In Memoriam
Guy Labissonnière - 9 janvier 1954 – 4 novembre 2022
Veuillez consulter la page française de cette section.
M.Sc., Community Health, Université de Montréal
Louise Labissonnière is a consultant in the field of health and social services. Louise Labissonnière has several years of experience in management within the Quebec health and social services sector. Among her interests are the international cooperation and the organization of health services in multicultural neighbourhoods. She has taught at Université de Montréal and Université du Québec à Hull. As a member of, Louise Labissonnière acts as an adviser, responsible for planning and special events.
Professor, Law Faculty, Université Laval, Québec
Bjarne Melkevik, L.L.D. Paris II, professor at the Faculty of Law, University Laval (Quebec), is a well-known author in legal philosophy, legal epistemology and legal methodology. His latest published books include “Horizons of legal philosophy” (1998 and 2004), “Reflections on legal philosophy” (2000), “Rawls or Habermas? A question of legal philosophy” and “Juridical-philosophical considerations” (2005). In the realm of Tolerance he has recently published the book “Tolerance and legal modernity” (2006). Dr. Bjarne Melkevik is a member of
Geographer residing in Quebec City
Contributor to®
Miriam Rabkin holds a Masters Degree in Contemporary History from the Université de Montréal and lives in Montréal, Québec.
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This contributor has no description at this time.
Economist, CNRS, Editor, Recherches internationales
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This contributor has no description at this time.
contributor, hired in the various student projects of
Student, Quebec, Canada.
Ph.D., Université de Montréal, Editor,®
Victor Teboul is a writer and the publisher of ®, The Tolerance Webzine, which he founded in 2002 to promote a critical discourse on tolerance and diversity. He is the author of several books and numerous articles.
Contact :
More on Victor Teboul HERE.
Victor 's recent presentation ''Accommodating Bedfellows : Montreal's Jewish Community and Quebec's Intellectual Elite'' is posted HERE.
See also Interviews by Victor Teboul
For Victor's articles on this web site which are written in French, please click HERE.
B.A. Political Science
Yannick B. Vallee is a political scientist who recently graduated from Bishop’s University (Quebec, Canada) in the BA program of political science. He also has a college degree of Business Administration with a specialization in marketing. Nowadays, he specializes in American, Canadian, and Japanese Politics. He also studies Asian foreign policy with special interest on Japan and its influence in Asia. He has a keen interest in American and Canadian history.
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This contributor has no description at this time.