Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Looking inside ourselves and out at the world
Independent and neutral with regard to all political and religious orientations,® aims to promote awareness of the major democratic principles on which tolerance is based.
News Analysis
Not many modern armed forces unite in their inventory, and particularly among their key assets, technology from two – in political terms – entirely opposite origins. It is more common in the countries of the former Soviet bloc where, since the fall of the iron curtain, Western technology slowly but ever increasingly found its way into countries primarily equipped with Russian weapon systems. (Full Story)
WASHINGTON - Even as hundreds of Marines launched a new offensive in southern Afghanistan, top U.S government and military officials made the Sunday morning news-show circuit here today spelling out President Barack Obama’s new war strategy. (Full Story)
Nairobi/Brussels - The stalled electoral process has plunged Somaliland into a serious political crisis that presents yet another risk of destabilisation in the region. (Full Story)
Some long weeks, now it seems, have passed in which the world has tensely waited for the final decision of the “Commander-in-Chief” on how the United States future strategy for Afghanistan will look like. (Full Story)
Dili/Brussels - The UN and its mission in Timor-Leste should hand over formal control of the Timor-Leste police as soon as possible in order not to undermine the long-term goal of professionalising the country’s police. (Full Story)
The Defence Minister of Indonesia, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, today confirmed that the Ministry is following the plan to increase the Navy’s (Indonesian: Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut, TNI–AL) inventory of patrol vessels by the purchase of 96 additionally boats. (Full Story)
Kabul/Brussels - Only vigorous constitutional and electoral reforms will prevent Afghanistan from slipping further into instability after Hamid Karzai’s fraudulent re-election. (Full Story)
Promptly following the subsiding of the phenomenon called monsoon, piracy in the Gulf of Aden started up and a small number of successful attacks proves that the freedom of action of the pirates has still not been sufficiently reduced by the congregated military might of the world’s greatest powers. (Full Story)
Ramallah/Gaza City/Brussels - President Mahmoud Abbas’s threat not to run in the next elections is only the latest sign of the crisis facing Fatah, the movement he heads. Fatah’s challenge is to clearly define its agenda, how to carry it out and with whom. (Full Story)
Bogotá/Brussels - Against the spirit of the constitution, President Hugo Chávez is accelerating his “Bolivarian Revolution” by implementing radical laws that affect basic rights and liberties and thwart the political opposition’s fair chances in the December 2010 legislative elections. (Full Story)
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