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Yannick B. Vallée
By Yannick B. Vallee
B.A. Political Science
Yannick B. Vallee is a political scientist who recently graduated from Bishop’s University (Quebec, Canada) in the BA program of political science. He also has a college degree of Business Administration with a specialization in marketing. Nowadays,  he specializes in American, Canadian, and Japanese Politics. He also studies Asian foreign policy with special interest on Japan and its influence in Asia. He has a keen interest in American and Canadian history.
Articles in this column
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
Leaving the European Union might almost be impossible for Britain without facing great social and economic challenges. For instance, European law is currently enshrined in British law. As a result, British people greatly enjoy progressive legislations enacted by the E.U. Besides, the British economy is based on E.U. trade which accounts for about 50% of national trade. British universities will lose funding from the European Union. Britons will lose the freedom of movement across the continent enjoyed by E.U. members. European members can travel and work anywhere in Europe without any restriction. For that reason, British now suffer from the buyer`s remorse in this post Brexit referendum era. People worry about food shortages, economic crises, and the loss of several European advantages. Additionally, several Brexit supporters now regret voting for the British withdrawal from the Union. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
The United Kingdom is an island nation which greatly relies on the flow of goods in and out of the country. A need for greater self-determination was the main purpose why British people voted in favour of leaving the E.U.; however, there is currently a lot of uncertainty about Brexit because London might not get any trade deal with the European Union. London and Brussels are currently negotiating the British exit from the E.U.; nevertheless, there has not been any clear outcome coming out of Brexit negotiations. Besides, there is a chance that no transition deal be signed between Britain and the E.U. We could expect unstable markets and a scarcity in goods in the event that no trade and customs deal be signed. For that reason, British people have just started to understand the scope of challenges they have to face in order to leave the European Union. As well, there might not be any deal signed between Brussels and London. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
The Democratic People`s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is the most isolated nation on earth. North Korea has only formal diplomatic ties with 24 countries in the World. Therefore, there are a very small number of nations which carries on formal foreign relations with Kim`s regime. Hence, North Korea is a hermit kingdom among the concert of nations. This country has a very poor human rights record and sometimes threatens Western nations on various issues. For that reason, the DPRK is seen by several countries as an unfriendly nation. North Korea is not positively perceived on the World stage and the DPRK does very little to improve its international image. Besides, this nation is accused by some observers of using its embassies to conduct illegal activities. Therefore, the country does not try to show a positive image worldwide through its diplomatic channels. Nevertheless, this has changed a little since the DPRK re-opened diplomatic channels with South Korea and the United States in 2018. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is the most isolated nation on earth. This country is commonly known as North Korea and it claims to be sovereign over the entire Korean Peninsula. North Korea was created at the end of the Korean War between 1950 and 1953. At the end of the war, the Kim Il Sung`s socialist government remained in the north and a capitalist government took control of the South. Kim IL Sung, as first North Korean Supreme Leader, led the first socialist government of the DPRK by implementing his self-reliance ideology which isolated North Korea from the rest of the World. The self-reliance ideology, known as Juche in North Korea, aims at protecting the socialist state from any outside influence.  (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
                Canadian Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau introduced in the early 1970s the concept that Canada must be a just and progressive society. Trudeau’s vision of Canada was a country of individual freedom and of social justice. Trudeau advocated that the nation turns into a fairer society. Thus, the prime minister thought that a fairer share of national wealth would give more freedom to everyone because Canadians could benefit from more opportunities if their basic needs were met. As a result, the Pierre E. Trudeau Government and the Edward Schreyer Manitoba Government jointly created an experimental program which provided guaranteed annual income to more than 2,000 families in Manitoba. The purpose of this project was to assess the social impacts of a guaranteed and unconditional annual income. Besides, social researchers wanted to know whether or not recipients would work less if they were given unconditional government cheques. Nowadays, the Ontario Government of Kathleen Wynne has started a similar social experiment in three different communities. As a result, the Province of Ontario has randomly selected 4,000 people to participate in the basic income plan. This type of social welfare system might revolutionize the way government delivers social programs in Canada. Some experts think that basic income programs might eliminate poverty and these initiatives might cost less than current social programs.  (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
Americans are concerned that there is chaos within the new administration. Trump signed the very controversial executive order on the Muslim ban. As well, the new U.S. president frustrated several U.S. allies abroad and he lost his security advisor because of a scandal. Besides, there are rumours about some connections between his administration and the Russian Government. CNN, on February 22nd, 2017, reveals that Trump`s disapproval rate is at 55% which is at a record low for newly elected president. There are several reasons why Trump’s approval rate decreased: people are against Trump immigration policies, Trump cannot get along with foreign leaders, and Trump`s economic policies might hurt the economy. Besides, there are some people thinking that the newly elected president should be impeached by the Congress. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
The inauguration of a president has always been an important symbol in the U.S. democracy. This reflects the peaceful transfer of power. On January 20th, 2017, Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States of America. He will have to unite the nation with him. However, uniting the nation might be a difficult task due to the deep social divisions. The inauguration is a moment for the people to welcome the new President and these first weeks of power allow the new President to show that change is happening. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
The United Kingdom has always been a major power in Europe and this great nation has always tried to influence other nations in Europe. This country tried to keep a balance of power in Europe which prevented any single European country from dominating the continent.  Therefore, the UK was not used to depend on European countries to set its own foreign, military, and trade policies. The UK used to enact its own laws and decide alone what was best for itself. Sovereignty lied at the center of the British dream; this island has succeeded over centuries to be as much independent from Europe as it could. For that reason, this was hard for this nation work within the framework of the EU membership. Thus, Britain no longer wanted to remain in the European Union because it had to share its sovereignty with other nations. Brexit shows that the people wanted to get back full control over immigration, foreign policies, job creation, and legislations. (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
We often think that the presidency is the most influential executive position in the United States; however, the vice presidency an essential component of the U.S. system, because it acts as a kind of insurance policy in troubling moments. The main role of the vice presidency is to replace the President if he or she becomes unable to serve. The Vice President must to have all the qualities and qualifications required to be appointed as President at any time during the term.  (Full Story)
By Yannick B. Vallee, B.A. Political Science, Member of®
Americans used to believe in the idea that their country had a manifest destiny. Everyone was entitled to the American dream which brings the very symbol of wealth and happiness. As a result, citizens recognize special virtues of the nation and their institutions.  For that reason, the Office of the President is a very important emblem for the American people. The Presidency embodies justice, compassion, integrity, humility, fearlessness, care, and leadership. These are just a few qualities that a president must have. (Full Story)
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