by Abubakar N. Kasim -Toronto
I don't think we should celebrate this conviction as much as we should discuss the root causes of why a young boy would be attracted to such a trend and what should we as a society do about it.
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by Susan Sarandon, Actress, activist and mother
There is nothing more powerful than hearing someone speak from their heart. That is why I was so moved by Barbara Lee's passionate speech on the floor of Congress September 14, 2001, eight years ago this week. She was the only member of Congress, in both the House and Senate, to have the courage to vote no against authorizing war in Afghanistan.
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Civility seems to be in short supply these days. We seem too be losing that sense of elementary courtesy or politeness which is the basis of intelligent communication. I was struck by this lack of courtesy and good sense recently, when Moshe Ya’alon, Vice-Premier of Israel, referred to the Peace Now organization as a “virus”.
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The YMHA in Montreal has always observed Sabbath closure, unlike most of its counterparts in North America . Two earlier attempts to change the policy failed but now, as of Oct. 31 the Snowdon branch will open its recreational and athletic facilities on Saturday afternoons. Administration offices and food services will remain closed and no Jewish employee will be forced to work on Saturday. Apparently then, the Y will still be observing all religious requirements.
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The Canadian Jewish News editorial on East Jerusalem was not only inaccurate but an example of overbearing chauvinism You applauded P.M. Netanyahu's rejection of President Obama's reasonable request to cease construction in East Jerusalem, a request you characterize as "shocking" and "disappointing" even though it was backed by the Quartet if not most of the world. You have evidently not given thought to American policy needs in the Middle East.
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Hatred is a serious problem, among both Israelis and Palestinians. A 2007 survey conducted by University of Haifa researchers revealed the extent of this malaise. 800 Israeli, Jewish high school students from 11 schools showed a deep contempt for Arabs. Seventy-five per cent said that Arabs were “uneducated” and the same number said they were “uncivilized”. Shockingly, 74 per cent responded that they were “unclean”.
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By Armando Valladares, Former US ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, in Geneva
Just like President Eduardo Frei Montalva passed to history as the Chilean Kerensky for paving the road to socialist Allende, president Obama is at risk of passing to history as the Americas' Kerensky if he pushes Honduras into the Chavist abyss.
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The current government of Israel is digging deep to find excuses for opposing a freeze on settlements. Of course they do so in order to advance their drive to control all of the land of the West Bank , which many of them view as their biblical birthright of Judea and Samaria , as well as all of a hugely expanded Jerusalem .
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By Charles Quist-Adade
Allow me the singular honour to say Akwaba (Welcome) in advance of your historic visit to “Black Africa.” I ask for Providence’s guidance and wisdom and the protection and blessings of our ancestors. As you make this historic trip to the continent, I will like to make the following humble requests to you in a form of this open letter
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In his June 14 speech Israel ’s Prime Minister rejected the high ground of some of his conservative predecessors and once again chose to take the low route of his revisionist fathers.
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