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Human Rights Observatory
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‘The reality of women who need access to legal abortion in Brazil is one of banishment’ Foreign interference could affect municipal elections, too. Here are 2 ways to reduce it Canada needs a focused and flexible foreign policy after years of inconsistency Kenya protests: Ruto pulling the finance bill is unlikely to satisfy angry young protesters – here’s why Hail the size of golf balls and even grapefruit? The science of how tiny ice crystals grow dangerously large What people say today about the first televised presidential debate, between Nixon and JFK, doesn’t match first reactions in 1960 Sri Lanka Blocks Exam Results over Muslim Head Coverings Saulos Chilima: personal tribute to a Malawian leader who stood against hunger and poverty but courted controversy Nigeria’s cholera outbreaks: why they happen and are so hard to control Election 2024: which party’s proposal to shorten NHS waiting times looks most credible? The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi is a classic critique of capitalism – but it wasn’t an overnight success Echoism: the flip side of narcissism explained Nato’s Washington summit will need to tackle Russian sabotage and myriad security threats Why go to Glastonbury? Research suggests it could change your life Donald Sutherland’s off-beat, counter-cultural roles reflected his leftwing politics Fancy Dance film review: heartbreaking but beautiful tale draws attention to the struggles of reservation life Only Iran can benefit from the coming war between Israel and Hezbollah Why is Nigel Farage taking on the Daily Mail? Election gambling scandal: bad culture will kill your organisation – you can bet on it Why Britain’s politicians are obssessed with potholes – and why they still can’t seem to fix them Votes at 16 and decent citizenship education could create a politically aware generation EU/Egypt: €7.4 billion of EU funds to Egypt must depend on human rights reforms UK/USA: Fight for media freedom continues as Assange reaches plea deal with US authorities New ICC Warrants Issued for Ukraine Crimes Australia's northern hairy-nosed wombat is back from brink of extinction Central African Republic: Renewed relations with France despite Russian military presence China’s legal warfare on Taiwan separatists: The death penalty and absentia trials Guinea's toxic media landscape threatens press freedom Shell didn’t consult communities properly about mining the Wild Coast – but how much legal protection do South Africans have? Afghanistan’s cricket miracle – from refugee camps to world cup semi-final, but marred by gender apartheid After 14 years in opposition, Labour’s cabinet will be inexperienced – is that a problem? How to decide how to vote – a psychologist’s advice The best way to cool down quickly and safely in a heatwave Brat by Charli XCX is a work of contemporary imagist poetry – and a reclamation of ‘bratty’ women’s art Journalism’s trust problem is about money, not politics Populism can degrade democracy but is on the rise − here’s what causes this political movement and how it can be weakened As debate approaches, presidents are blamed for events over which they have little control Extreme heat waves aren’t ‘just summer’: How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it The world’s fourth mass coral bleaching is underway, but well-connected reefs may have a better chance to recover More women in venture capital doesn’t mean more funding for female-led businesses, new research suggests − here’s why Is Macron pushing France toward a ‘strange defeat’? Service dogs can reduce the severity of PTSD for veterans – new research Diplomacy, sanctions and soft power have failed to deter Iran’s anti-West agenda − could a new Iranian president change that? College may not be the ‘great equalizer’ − luck and hiring practices also play a role, a sociologist explains For many Olympic medalists, silver stings more than bronze Julian Assange told Anthony Albanese he ‘saved his life’ after landing in Australia The horrifying human cost of big sporting events Digital multi-tasking is ruining our work, school grades and sleep – here are 7 ways we can reclaim our attention spans Climate crisis sees rise in illegal water markets in the Middle East Thailand: Killing of Malay Muslim human rights defender must be investigated US: Border Deterrence Leads to Deaths, Disappearances Tensions at Colombia’s largest gold mine highlight climate justice quagmire Julian Assange is free, but curly legal questions about his case remain Five ways to improve the global voluntary carbon credit markets South Africa’s coalition government – making the case for hope Kenyan police and protests: researchers on a violent, corrupt security force that’s beyond reform Politics with Michelle Grattan: Chris Bowen on ‘calling out’ claims about the energy transition’s cost Social media platforms are blocked in Iran. Candidates in this week’s presidential election are embracing them anyway Nuclear energy creates the most dangerous form of radioactive waste. Where does Peter Dutton plan to put it? Feminists can’t agree whether porn is harmful or liberating – and in this vacuum, image-based abuse continues Julian Assange was isolated for more than a decade. Here’s what that does to the body and mind Australia’s inflation rate jumps to 4%, putting an RBA rate rise back on the agenda Yemen: Houthis Disappear Dozens of UN, Civil Society Staff Mali: ICC Unseals Arrest Warrant for Armed Group Leader Bangladesh: End impunity for torture and uphold victims’ right to reparation NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt I’ve been diagnosed with cancer. How do I tell my children? How fear of missing out can lead to you paying more when buying a home New drone imagery reveals 97% of coral dead at a Lizard Island reef after last summer’s mass bleaching FDA authorized the sale of menthol-flavored e-cigarettes – a health policy expert explains how the benefits may outweigh the risks Why are people on TikTok talking about going for a ‘fart walk’? A gastroenterologist weighs in Why Trump’s best chance of winning the US election might be tapping a once-bitter rival as his vice president Russia: Authorities punishing imprisoned anti-war critics and dissenters by denying family contact What are family trusts? 1 in 7 babies born in Ireland’s baby homes died. Clair Wills uncovers the hidden history of her cousin, who survived the worst one Australia’s music artists are in dire straits – yet taxpayer-funded Triple J won’t shake its commercial flavour Hearing voices is common and can be distressing. Virtual reality might help us meet and ‘treat’ them Why are private school teachers paid more than their public colleagues? Coal-free in 14 years as renewables rush in: new blueprint shows how to green the grid – without nuclear Julian Assange has been in the headlines for almost two decades. Here’s why he’s such a significant public figure The more medals Canadian athletes win, the fewer Canadians participate in organized sport How ‘One Health’ clinics support unhoused people and their pets How forest fires also have an impact on lakes Rachel Reeves wants to end the UK’s gender pay gap for good – here’s how she could do it Even if they fell short, the Edmonton Oilers defied regionalism to unite Canadians in the Stanley Cup final Success in treating persistent pain now offers hope for those with Long COVID Kenya: Joint Statement on Nationwide Demonstrations World News in Brief: UN expert welcomes Assange release, more ICC warrants issued over Ukraine, Human Rights Council updates Byelection shocker: Is this the end of the road for Justin Trudeau’s political career? Technology makes it possible to diagnose diseases on the spot – but South Africa’s public healthcare system faces several obstacles Lake Victoria: why so many fishers are dying and what can be done about it Terror attacks and kidnappings spread in Nigeria: why Lagos could be a target Shirley Jackson: celebrating 75 years of taut, ambiguous, disturbing stories How ‘critical karaoke’ is helping researchers to explore the music of Taylor Swift A ban on plastic wet wipes may lead to more river pollution, not less Hot weather can be hard on the body – and may even worsen some health conditions Election 2024: these are the races to watch Maths makes finding bat roosts much easier, our research shows Myanmar: Promised investigation into senior monk’s shooting must actually take place UK/USA: ‘Positive news’ as Julian Assange released from UK prison Russia/Ukraine: ICC arrest warrants for senior Russian officials ‘a crucial step towards justice’ Joint Statement on Nationwide Demonstrations Deaths During Annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia Underscore Extreme Heat Dangers What Participating in the UN Disabilities Conference Taught me Philippine Court Clears Leading ‘Drug War’ Critic Mining needs more regulation, according to South Africans – survey US charitable giving dipped to $557B in 2023, but outlook is getting brighter The good news is the Australian economy is about to turn up. Here’s why The lawsuit that could bring reggaetón to its knees Espionage trial of US reporter Evan Gershkovich signals a dangerous new era for journalism in Russia How blockchain technology could help to prevent child labour in global supply chains Birds, barley, cheese and wine – it’s not just smoke and dust that can cause lung disease Young people are less likely to vote – here’s how to help get your friends to the ballot box The fascinating sex lives of insects Some people never listen to politicians, no matter what they say – we wanted to find out why PFAS ‘forever’ chemical laws need an overhaul – recent court rulings highlight the loopholes University funding is in crisis – and none of the political parties have a clear plan to fix it Genetic testing cannot reveal the gender of your baby − two genetic counselors explain the complexities of sex and gender Lead water pipes created a health disaster in Flint, but replacing them with cheaper plastic − as some cities are doing − carries hidden costs When people are under economic stress, their pets suffer too – we found parts of Detroit that are animal welfare deserts Kidneys from Black donors are more likely to be thrown away − a bioethicist explains why Debate offers opportunity for errors, partisan spin − and maybe an opening for change How Jefferson and Madison’s partnership – a friendship told in letters – shaped America’s separation of church and state Journalism has become ground zero for the vocation crisis Kenya: abductions of citizens suspected of involvement in protests violate human rights Global: SHEIN’s flotation on the London Stock Exchange would set a worrying human rights precedent In Russia, a Trial in Name Only Namibia Court Decriminalizes Consensual Same-Sex Conduct Victoria will begin pill testing this summer. Evidence shows it reduces harm (and won’t increase drug use) Senator Fatima Payman defies Labor solidarity rule to cross floor on pro-Palestine Greens motion Mali’s Junta Renews Assault on Political Opposition Beyond Life Without Parole in the US: 2nd Chances Make Communities Stronger In Mauritania, a mesmerising musical world blends tradition and innovation A timeline of Julian Assange’s legal journey My own prison ordeal gave me a taste of what Assange may be feeling. He’s out – but the chilling effect on press freedom remains With pressure mounting on the Biden administration, its pursuit of Assange was becoming both damaging and untenable Adelaide Cabaret Festival understands how its audiences long for connection and community How quickly does groundwater recharge? The answer is found deep underground View from The Hill: Hero or villain, Julian Assange’s cause crossed the political divide Censorship and isolation as China bans thousands of mobile apps Dollars and scents: how the right smells can encourage shoppers to buy healthier foods Julian Assange will be freed after striking plea deal with US authorities Julian Assange plea deal: what does it mean for the WikiLeaks founder, and what happens now? What is ‘breathwork’? And do I need to do it? Is social media making you unhappy? The answer is not so simple UN Meeting Blocks Afghan Women from Agenda, Participation Here’s how to create jobs for First Nations Australians in the clean energy transition Respecting Rights in the Response to Militant Attacks in Dagestan World News in Brief: Guterres condemns terror attacks in Dagestan, call to end ‘war on drugs’, women Heads of State First Person: Moving from fear to hope after war on drugs in the Philippines Controversy surrounds Kenya government's planned deployment of police forces to Haiti ‘Jewish Matchmaking’ offers a nuanced portrayal of some of the diversity of Jewish life Canada at a crossroads: Understanding the shifting sands of immigration attitudes Finding joy in caregiving: Baby boomers find purpose in shopping for those they look after 40 years after his death Michel Foucault’s philosophy still speaks to a world saturated with social media Across Southeast Asia, people paying respect to Spirits living on their Land is a normal part of life Australia plans to hire more overseas doctors. Is it ethical to recruit from countries with doctor shortages? Extreme wildfires are on the rise globally, powered by the climate crisis No nuclear veto: if the Coalition isn’t seeking community consent, is that really consultation? An influencer’s AI clone started offering fans ‘mind-blowing sexual experiences’ without her knowledge Deepfake, AI or real? It’s getting harder for police to protect children from sexual exploitation online Big tech companies were open to online safety regulation – why did NZ’s government scrap the idea? We know social media bans are unlikely to work. So how can we keep young people safe online? Escalating Israel-Hezbollah clashes threaten to spark regional war and force US into conflict with Iran Supreme Court’s slow roll on deciding Trump’s immunity is the opposite of politics How drones form part of Hezbollah’s deterrence strategy against Israel China and Botswana: ‘fong kong’ products have helped drive local manufacturing – study Kenyan protesters have taken to the streets in their thousands – what the law says about their rights Rwanda’s military support to other countries is part of a strategy to boost its reputation Making visible the invisible: Supporting long COVID patients and the people caring for them Morocco/Spain: Reveal fate of migrants who remain missing two years after deadly Melilla border incident Lion King at 30: the global hit that Disney didn’t believe in Nato’s next secretary general is outgoing Netherlands prime minister, ‘Teflon’ Mark Rutte How Romani Gypsy and Traveller people have shaped Britain’s musical heritage There’s nothing undemocratic about a large Labour majority – in fact, managed properly, it could provide the space for serious debate Can election success draw a line under Welsh Labour’s crisis? Will Labour’s Great British Energy company lower household bills? Anti-cellulite products are big business – but here’s what the science says The science of beauty: how aesthetics can boost your mood and cognition Loaded: one of the biggest lads’ mags returns – these are the challenges it will face Americas: Urgent OAS action needed to reverse trend of shrinking civic space A highly invasive South American catfish has slipped into Nepal’s waters No more recreational vaping for Australians. From October, vapes will be sold over the counter at pharmacies Five environmental issues that should be higher on the election agenda Repeated political soundbites can influence how people think – even if they disagree with the message Keir Starmer rejects ‘tax and spend’, so do Labour’s plans for economic growth add up? Four ways the Conservatives have promised to fix housing since 2019 and what they’ve actually done The UK population has lost trust in its police forces – Labour’s plan to improve crime investigation is critical ‘I love this work, but it’s killing me’: The unique toll of being a spiritual leader today Why do some planets have moons? A physics expert explains why Earth has only one moon while other planets have hundreds Most Philly public school students have college ambitions − but their level of preparation depends on which high school they attend Do hormonal contraceptives increase depression risk? A neuroscientist explains how they affect your mood, for better or worse 2024’s violent tornado season has been one of the most active on record − a meteorologist explains the weather behind the outbreaks China’s crackdown on ‘wealth-flaunting’ social media puts pressure on influencers − both on the mainland and in Taiwan − to echo the party line Even the Supreme Court’s conservative justices are polarized about the state of American politics Global: UN report must signal end to manifestly failed ‘war on drugs’ Philippines: Vindication for Leila de Lima as last bogus charge dismissed Two Years of Outrage: US Abortion Restrictions since Dobbs With ‘Flower strikes,’ citizens call for the release of Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi Koryo-saram: The long and tragic story of Koreans in Russia Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: should I be worried if I’m travelling to Japan? DRC: President Tshisekedi must use second term to tackle human rights crisis Worried about PFAS in your drinking water? Here’s what the evidence says about home filters Fines of $10 million will force supermarkets to think carefully before exploiting suppliers, but more could have been done Cold snap, low on gas: the possible gas shortage in Victoria is a warning Future of cash secured for now as banks and retailers bail out Armaguard Global: Amnesty International launches new campaign on abortion rights Abortion rights in the USA: An interview with Tarah Demant Living with traumatic brain injury: Proposed legislation supports nationwide strategy for care Can the courts measure mana? How Māori tikanga is challenging the justice system Culturally diverse teens greatly benefit from social media – banning it would cause harm A wealthy housewife longs to go wild, in a brilliant riff on Virginia Woolf There should be a place for Australian art – and artists – in China-Australia diplomacy Formula One is moving towards hybrid engines and renewable fuel. Major environmental progress or just ‘greenwashing’? Albanese appoints former NSW Liberal energy minister Matt Kean to chair Climate Change Authority Violence towards refugee and migrant women often goes undetected. We’ve found a way to help fix that Education Still Vulnerable to Attack in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Most plastics are made from fossil fuels and end up in the ocean, but marine microbes can’t degrade them – new research An eerie ‘digital afterlife’ is no longer science fiction. So how do we navigate the risks? A tragic television star, the brain of a genius, and a prize-winning pig – 3 new books are brilliant examples of contemporary Australian poetry ‘Sleep tourism’ promises the trip of your dreams. Beyond the hype plus 5 tips for a holiday at home Climate and energy have emerged as a federal election flashpoint. But unless the economy improves, will voters be listening? ‘Spectacularly disobedient’: Pride parades in the Balkans Living with traumatic brain injury: New legislation supports nationwide strategy for care More Canadians are paying for news this year, but it’s still too early to celebrate Are governments using proceeds from crime to raise public funds? New language guidelines for anatomy aim to improve clarity, but they could reduce understanding instead Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia’s wild salmon Albanese government will impose mandatory code and big penalties to stop supermarkets treating suppliers badly View from The Hill: Paul Keating labels Dutton a ‘charlatan’ as nuclear debate gets down and dirty Your wig could be poisoning you: study finds pesticides and other toxic chemicals in synthetic hair in Nigeria New Mass Media Law Threatens Freedom of Speech, Information in Kazakhstan Kenya protests: Gen Z shows the power of digital activism - driving change from screens to the streets Can ‘blue bonds’ be the solution to Belize’s debt? Vladimir Putin’s Asia-Pacific trip was intended to send a message. Here’s why we should be taking notice First Person: Philippines ‘cyber cops’ tackle explosion of online child abuse Americas: Proposed laws would severely restrict civil society’s work in region Rocks on Rapa Nui tell the story of a small, resilient population − countering the notion of a doomed overpopulated island How Employers Can Help End Domestic Violence British public more fatalistic about home ownership than climate change – new survey Bipolar disorder: we’ve pinpointed the brain areas which drive mood bias Finally, the time to tackle ticket touts may have come US military launched a secret anti-vax campaign in the Philippines – here’s why I’m not surprised Why people are spending their own money on healthcare rather than wait for the NHS What would a Reform surge do to Labour and the Liberal Democrats? Two scenarios mapped Aphrodite signified more than beauty – five other realms in which the Greek goddess also reigned What the election date betting scandal really tells us about the state of British politics The dangers of sneezing – from ejected bowels to torn windpipes What does the law say about gambling on election dates with inside information? Global: UN-hosted Doha meeting on Afghanistan faces a credibility test Pakistan: Authorities must end escalating attacks on minority Ahmadiyya community Increased Attacks on Education During War Unearthing Nepal's Past: An Interview with Journalist and Author Mohan Mainali Khat in Kenya: why efforts to ban this popular stimulant are unlikely to work Nigeria’s national anthem change was a tactic to distract attention from the country’s real problems – political analyst The first chemist in history may have been a female perfumer - here’s how the science of scents has changed since Kim-Putin deal: why this is a coded message aimed at China and how it worries Beijing Stonehenge protest: if you worry about damage to British heritage you should listen to Just Stop Oil Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan wins the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2024 Labelling is a popular choice as a way to control fossil fuel advertising – new study Surgeon general’s call for warning labels on social media underscores concerns for teen mental health Traffic engineers build roads that invite crashes because they rely on outdated research and faulty data Space radiation can damage satellites − my team discovered that a next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays What the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy fossil reveals about nudity and shame The Exorcism: Russell Crowe film-set meta horror has promise but doesn’t quite convince Namibia: Decision to overturn “sodomy” laws is a victory for human rights A big change is coming for higher education funding. What would a ‘hard cap’ on domestic places mean for students and unis? An Homage to a Beloved Indigenous Visionary The mystery of the massive sporting comeback: what’s the psychology of momentum in sports? Azithromycin: how to manage while this antibiotic is in short supply for children Vladimir Putin’s Asia-Pacific trip was intended to send a message. Australia should be taking notice Bell Shakespeare’s new King Lear understands the joy of a good tragedy Kangaroo teeth grow forever – and keep a record of their owner’s age and sex Why can’t I sleep? It could be your sheets or doona Does One NZ’s new ad campaign connect? Many adopted people might not think so Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy policy will do nothing to ease Australians’ hip-pocket pain, now or in the future Hollywood didn’t know exactly what to do with Donald Sutherland – so they did everything with him How would a switch to nuclear affect electricity prices for households and industry? Party leaders grilled by public in election Question Time – experts dissect the key issues Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health? Australia’s first civilian jury was entirely female. Here’s how ‘juries of matrons’ shaped our legal history Plucking numbers from the air: Victoria’s big build for housing relies on impossible targets Grassroots sport can help refugees find their feet in Australia – Brisbane’s Olympic planners need to lead the way too Haiti faces record displacement amid escalating gang violence The story of a Nigerian lesbian: From holy celibacy to secret marriage More people are taking a mortgage over 40 years – what this means for young people’s finances Why have Australia’s espionage authors been renditioned to a literary black site? Resource management is always political – the Fast-track Approvals Bill is just honest about it A huge shark terrorises people in new French hit Under Paris. When will we stop villainising these animals? Chiropractors have been banned again from manipulating babies’ spines. Here’s what the evidence actually says Australian coal mine and power station workers’ prospects look bleak – unless we start offering more targeted support Australia needs large-scale energy production – here are 3 reasons why offshore wind is a good fit Foreign aid can help strengthen the economies of donor countries by boosting business Emotions may matter more than facts in shaping individual support for renewable energy, new study shows Summer reading: 4 books on well-being that you can rely on US Racial Inequity Compounds ‘Heat Dome’ Harms Attack on Kazakhstan Journalist in Ukraine A British ‘supermajority’ is nonsense – but a Labour landslide still has consequences More people are taking a mortgage over 40 years - what this means for young people’s finances RSPCA Assured: animal welfare labels are a hollow money-maker for supermarkets The SNP’s focus on social energy tariffs is welcome, but it will take more than this to cut bills How the UK’s social security system stopped tackling poverty Should we ditch BMI and use the ‘body roundness index’ instead? Nigel Farage’s Reform is in line for hundreds of thousands in public funding if it wins seats in the election Why animal ethics matters for tackling climate change US kicks off debate on conscription as other Nato members introduce drafts Ukraine recap: Putin love-in with Kim Jong-un contrasts with western disarray over peace plan Dopamine: brain chemical helps us understand other people – raising hopes for new treatments Working in an ancient winery was seasonal, smelly and noisy Sham trial is Belarusian strongman’s latest attempt to silence critics — even those living abroad Burkina Faso Junta Again Suspends TV News Broadcasts AU: Roll Out Civilian Protection Mission, Ensure Sudan Probe Goema superstar: how composer Mac McKenzie reshaped the sound of Cape Town Ten seats where Reform poses a threat to the Tories Elephants use the tips of their trunks to grasp things with great precision – how this can help robotic design Global pandemic treaty will help fight future threats: top negotiator on how talks are going South Africa’s foreign policy: a unity government must be practical in a turbulent world Mathias Esteban: “Trans visibility is always important, not only this month” Conflict in Burkina Faso Jeopardizing Education A groundbreaking discovery: how we found remnants of Earth’s primordial crust near Perth Plaid Cymru makes election call for the return of Welsh artefacts held in England House of the Dragon: if dragons were real, how might fire-breathing work? We’re using drones to map the temperatures of lizards and this could boost reptile conservation Groundbreaking cancer treatment may trigger more cancer – but here’s why you shouldn’t worry Arundhati Roy ‘anti-terror’ charge part of a push to silence Modi’s critics How to stay safe during lightning storms – summer is the highest-risk season Ferns and flowers bribe helpful ant defenders with nectar, but ferns developed this ability much later – our study shows why Arborglyphs – Basque immigrant sheepherders left their marks on aspen trees in the American West Making art is a uniquely human act, and one that provides a wellspring of health benefits Boost your immune system with this centuries-old health hack: Vaccines Lawsuit could challenge trust in Ozempic and other popular weight loss drugs Jewish critics of Zionism have clashed with American Jewish leaders for decades Extreme heat can be dangerous for runners, cyclists and anyone spending time outdoors: 6 tips for staying safe Victoria’s $1.2 billion school tutoring program has not ‘significantly improved’ learning. How could it work better? Grattan on Friday: Peter Dutton is seated aloft the nuclear tiger, hoping not to get eaten UK plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda may never happen but other European leaders still want to copy it – podcast Leadership and teamwork at high altitude: seven lessons from Everest Kisangani’s Unhealed Scars: The Six-Day War and the ongoing struggle for justice and accountability What is phonics and why is it used to teach reading? No costing, no clear timelines, no easy legal path: deep scepticism over Dutton’s nuclear plan is warranted Does Israel really want to open a two-front war by attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon? New play American Signs looks at the nefarious world of consultancies – but leaves Australia off the hook It’s now possible to invest in bitcoin on Australia’s largest stock exchange. Is the currency going mainstream? We discovered Raja Ampat’s reef manta rays prefer staying close to home – which could help us save more of them Ukraine: Forced Russified Education Under Occupation Attacks on Education in War Surge Globally China: UN Should Act on Crimes Against Humanity The prosecution of Arundhati Roy is business as usual for the Modi government – and bad news for freedom of expression in India Amid scorching heat, 900 people died this week in Saudi Arabia. Climate change has made the Hajj pilgrimage more risky The Albanese government has ordered an inquiry into native title – why is it needed? Politics with Michelle Grattan: Peter Malinauskas on political donations, kids on social media, and the nuclear option Robert Irwin wanted to sue One Nation for using his likeness. We don’t really have laws for that No-cause evictions have the potential to hurt renters – with little gain for good landlords Walking can prevent low back pain, a new study shows By clearing protest encampments, universities put property over people Gig platform workers need better health and well-being protections Tony Blair sold the UK on a vision for the future. Can Keir Starmer do the same to return Labour to power? Defunct satellites burning up in the atmosphere could damage the ozone layer. Here’s how At a time of crisis, reading books can help us make sense of the world ‘I felt too whakamā to go to the doctor’ – how feelings of shame stop people seeking healthcare People are spending hours clicking on a banana to (maybe) make some money. A 300-year-old behavioural economics theory explains why Hybrid cars are having a moment – even though they’re dirtier than we think. What’s behind their popularity? Big cars might make you feel safer. But here’s how vehicle size impacts others in a crash Recovering lost wages is nearly impossible for Australia’s underpaid migrant workers. Here’s how to fix the problem Climate change is helping the H5N1 bird flu virus spread and evolve Zimbabwe: Authorities must immediately release arbitrarily detained opposition activists Independent rights probe highlights Israeli ‘destruction and dislocation’ tactics in Gaza ‘Loyal to the Oil’: Finding religion in the Stanley Cup finals The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them Catalonia independence: electoral shift marks the beginning of a new era in a region fraught with political tension Wales could become world’s first country to criminalise politicians who lie Labour wants to make England the best place in the world to be a football fan – but there’s much work to do first Will Labour’s plans deliver for NHS dentistry? Putin-Kim summit has roots in an alliance of ‘isolated’ nations built over decades What Tory plans to scrap self-employed national insurance would mean for taxes and pensions People are worried about the media using AI for stories of consequence, but less so for sports and entertainment What would war between Israel and Hezbollah mean for the Middle East? Expert Q&A Israel threatens ‘all-out war’ against Hezbollah – what are the consequences for the US presidential campaign? What actually makes avocados bad for the environment? Is social media fuelling political polarisation? Angola: Police must respect protest rights during planned 22 June demonstrations Americas: On World Refugee Day, states must prioritize the human rights of those seeking protection in the Americas Solstices brought Mayan communities together, using monuments shaped by science and religion – and kingly ambitions, too Paying reparations for slavery is possible – based on a study of federal compensation to farmers, fishermen, coal miners, radiation victims and 70 other groups Raw milk health risks significantly outweigh any potential benefits − food scientists and nutritionists explain why Lynn Conway was a trans woman in tech − and underappreciated for decades after she helped launch the computing revolution Court blocks grants to Black women entrepreneurs in case that could restrict DEI efforts by companies and charities Why expanding access to algebra is a matter of civil rights Nigeria’s mountain streams are a haven for special creatures – they need protection Heat exposure during pregnancy can lead to a lifetime of health problems Somalia army vs al-Shabaab: as African Union troops leave, which is the stronger military force? Canada’s family-based immigration program for Sudanese fleeing war is too little, too late Republic of Congo: Suspension of Metssa Congo’s activities must be followed by urgent investigation Sudan: Unlawful Attacks on Civilians, Infrastructure Microplastics and nanoplastics have been found throughout the human body – how worried should we be? ABC chair Kim Williams calls for public broadcaster to be ‘national campfire’ and to understand its audiences better Kevin Jonas has basal cell carcinoma – here’s what you should know about this form of skin cancer Knife crime has increased in England and Wales over the last decade – here’s how the next government can prevent it Is Keir Starmer a socialist? Starmer and Sunak agree the UK needs more houses to ease the crisis – here’s how their plans compare Euro 2024: football is a magnet for online abuse – but it is also the ideal platform to challenge it Namibia: Ensure safety of LGBTI persons amid High Court verdict in “sodomy” case US: Florida School Laws Discriminate against Black, LGBTQ People Farmers told me what they really think about reintroducing lynx and wolves to Britain and Ireland Australia’s tax system is being weaponised against victims of domestic abuse. Here’s how Women leaders remain scarce in Thai local politics. What can be done? I watched some 40 films at this year’s Sydney Film Festival. Here are my top five picks – and one hilarious flop Our smartphone screening tool could help detect strokes faster – and lead to quicker treatment How will China balance Russian and European relations after the Swiss Peace Summit? Debt relief and prudent financial management key to adequate education financing in Eritrea Saying a final goodbye to Willie Mays, baseball’s ‘Say hey kid’ Saying a final goodbye to Willie Mays, baseball’s ‘Say hey’ kid Peter Dutton has promised to solve our energy problems – but his nuclear policy still leaves Australians in the dark Improving gender equality will help end violence against women, but it’s only part of the puzzle Whips, adultery and a ‘Loin King’: what is it about Tory political players writing scandalous books? Please stop obsessing over words. It’s quite simple: the RBA thinks inflation is too high The AEC has redrawn the boundaries for federal seats. How will this affect the next election? I’ve been given opioids after surgery to take at home. What do I need to know? Shelley Lasica’s When I Am Not There asks: how do you create a gallery exhibition on 40 years of dance? Dutton goes nuclear, proposing seven government-owned generators with the first starting in 2030s Systematic terror, brutal atrocities rife in Myanmar: UN human rights chief ‘Decolonizing Lens’: Winnipeg and virtual film series reflects the beauty of Indigenous worldviews How Biden’s executive order to protect immigrant spouses of citizens from deportation will benefit their families and communities Infant’s tragic death after neglect sparks urgent calls for system changes Egypt: Authorities must end campaign of mass arrests and forced returns of Sudanese refugees China: Hundreds of Uyghur Village Names Change Where are the women from peripheral areas in Brazilian politics? EPA has lowered the screening level for lead in soil – here’s what that could mean for households across the US Young investors: Here’s some tips for getting into the market How Indigenous peoples are reclaiming their celebrations of the summer solstice − and using them to resist The renaming of universities and campus buildings reflects changing attitudes and values Pay transparency would help close NZ’s gender gap – why is progress so slow? Do you have a mental illness? Why some people answer ‘yes’, even if they haven’t been diagnosed Early childhood educators are not ‘babysitters’. What do their jobs really involve? Bohemian, artist, conservationist: breathing humanity into the man who fought to protect Queensland’s rainforest and reef Emotions don’t decide who you are: how to talk to your child about the new emotions in Inside Out 2 Many sports are tightening their transgender policies – can inclusion co-exist with fairness, physical safety and integrity? Will the Paris Olympics be a terrorist target? These three factors could be key Peter Dutton’s plan to cut the 2030 climate target would be an own goal for Australia’s Pacific ambitions Systemic gender oppression in Afghanistan may amount to crimes against humanity ‘Nowhere is safe’ for civilians as Sudan war descends further into chaos Canada’s settler colonial violence in three acts: Calls for solidarity on National Indigenous Peoples Day South Africa’s unity government: 4 crucial factors for it to work Floating solar panels could provide much of Africa’s energy – new research Mother City: a tough, passionate film about the battle for affordable housing in Cape Town G7 overcomes internal wrangling and ‘irrelevance’ barbs to strike US$50 billion deal to support Ukraine This is billed as a ‘change’ election – but Britain’s electoral system means hardly any seats are true multi-party contests Royal Mail takeover has benefits but poses risk to those reliant on UK’s national postal service Eighteenth-century stays are the corset of 2024 – just ask Taylor Swift or Anne Hathaway The Green party’s plans aren’t perfect but they offer a much-needed attempt at climate leadership Why legacy media brands still matter in the UK’s ‘social media election’ How glacier algae are challenging the way we think about evolution Epstein-Barr virus: how does a common infection trick the immune system into attacking the brain in people with MS? Ukraine summit fails to provide a path to peace for Kyiv and its allies UN: Strengthen Rights in ‘Pact for the Future’ Talks Victory for Same-Sex Marriage in Thailand Inside Out 2 introduces Ennui – here’s what the character teaches us about boredom Brexit boredom is one thing – but there’s a real problem when Britain’s leaders won’t even talk about Europe anymore We’ve found a way to help endangered eels overcome dams and weirs Denmark bans noodles for being too hot – what you need to know about chilli heat Decades of politicians toying with A-levels and GCSEs have left students a confusing and unfair system Ultra-processed foods: here’s how they may affect the way the immune system functions Philly has highest STI rates in the country – improving sex ed in schools and access to at-home testing could lower rates Keeping astronauts healthy in space isn’t easy − new training programs will prepare students to perform medicine while thousands of miles away from Earth Digital public archaeology: Excavating data from digs done decades ago and connecting with today’s communities US laws created during slavery are still on the books. A legal scholar wants to at least acknowledge that history in legal citations Joining NATO binds countries to defend each other – but this commitment is not set in stone Polish-Taiwanese cultural bridges: An interview with translator Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka Mauritania: First round of presidential elections on June 29, 2024 Mauritania: Khally Diallo analyzes June 29 presidential elections Albanese told Chinese premier that officials’ behaviour towards Cheng Lei was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘not appropriate’ For the next prime minister to solve the UK’s productivity problem, they must attract more foreign investment – here’s how The modern world’s relationship to time is broken – and it’s fuelling the rise of the far right The Chemist Warehouse deal is a sideshow: pharmacies are ripe for bigger disruption Thailand: Passing of marriage equality bill a triumphant moment for LGBTI rights Slovakia: Draconian bill restricting right to protest must be redrawn Polish-Taiwanese cultural bridges: An interview with translator Lin Wei-Yun Górecka Humour can make you a better workplace leader, if you use it properly – here’s how What is cervical cancer and how can it be prevented? Answers to key questions Bird strike: what happens when a plane collides with a bird? Albanese government raises ‘concern’ over treatment of journalist Cheng Lei with Chinese embassy High fliers: pleasure-seeking parrots are using aromatic plants, stinky ants and alcohol The troubling connections between ‘politically exposed persons’ and Chinese companies within Ghana's fisheries sector The world no longer needs new fossil fuels – and the UK could lead the way in making them taboo Give Chaucer a chance! Why ‘dead white men’ can still be relevant in NZ’s classrooms ABC’s new series Ladies in Black gives us vintage fashions and feminist anthems Curious Kids: why do you get pins and needles in your legs when you sit on them? Mothers have long been absent from dystopian stories. ‘Maternal cli-fi’ is changing the narrative Mealtimes can be tough when your child is autistic or has ADHD. Here are 5 tips to try Some of Earth’s most ancient lifeforms can live on hydrogen – and we can learn from their chemical powers Big batteries are solving a longstanding problem with solar power in California. Can they do the same for Australia? What you should know before you start chasing bargains at the EOFY sales South Australia’s plan to ban political donations raises big risks as well as benefits The death of a child with a disability at an Ontario school urgently calls for government action A byelection to watch: What the Toronto-St. Paul’s vote means for Justin Trudeau Cancer is affecting more young people than ever before: How health care can learn to meet their needs International Criminal Court Members Speak Out The free trade myth: how the US manipulates global markets for economic supremacy The world no longer needs fossil fuels – and the UK could lead the way in making them taboo Scary-sounding new virus in the news? Here are the questions you should ask