Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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The Winter’s Tale at The Tobacco Factory, Bristol – a marvellous production with much to say about the modern world

By Jo Lindsay Walton, Principal Research Fellow in Arts, Climate and Technology, University of Sussex
The first half rips your heart out. The second attempts, tenderly, to put it back again. This is The Winter’s Tale, currently being performed at The Tobacco Factory, Bristol.

In Shakespeare’s tragicomedy, King Leontes of Sicilia, in a fit of jealous paranoia, falsely accuses his wife Queen Hermione of adultery with their friend, King Polixenes of Bohemia. Quickfire catastrophe unfolds.

Before you know it, the couple’s newborn daughter, Perdita, has been abandoned on a Bohemian hillside, left to the mercy…The Conversation

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