Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Looking inside ourselves and out at the world
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Is it OK to use the term ‘neurospicy’ when talking about autism and other neurodivergences?

By Katharine Annear, Lecturer (Teaching Specialist) Disability and Community Inclusion, Flinders University
Language trends change quickly at the hands of social media users. They explode into our screens, rather than slowly evolve. This can change the ways we talk about diagnoses such as autism and concepts like neurodiversity.

But before we use a term, we should look at how it came to be and what it means to people.

So where does the new word “neurospicy” come from? And why do some people embrace it, while others reject it?

First, let’s unpack ‘neurodiversity’

The term neurodiversity evolved…The Conversation

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