Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Outing a pretendian: How four Métis scholars redefined Indigenous identity policy

By Chelsea Gabel, Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies Department & Department of Health, Aging and Society, McMaster University
Bobby (Robert) Henry, Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan
Caroline Tait, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health Equity and Inclusion, University of Calgary
Janet K. Smylie, Professor, DLSPH and DFCM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Addressing the pretendian issue in Canada is deeply personal, for us, because we are the academics who uncovered and exposed Carrie Bourassa’s Indigenous identity fraud.

We are four Red River Métis scholars who hold Métis citizenship with our familial connections to the Prairies. We are Indigenous health researchers, and our relationship began 20 years ago through the Network Environments for Indigenous…The Conversation

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