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More children are getting ACL injuries – here’s what could be done to prevent them

By Michael Duncan, Professor of Applied Sport and Exercise Science, Coventry University
Jason Tallis, Associate Professor in the Centre for Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Coventry University
Theresa Heering, PhD Candidate in Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Science, Coventry University
There’s no doubt that for children and teenagers, taking part in physical activity and sport is hugely beneficial. It improves their health and wellbeing, creates opportunities for social interaction and builds resilience and leadership skills for life.

However, playing sport can also lead to injury. One particularly nasty sporting injury is damage to the ACL – the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee, which attaches the thigh (femur) and shin (tibia) bones. ACL injuries have rocketed among children in England,…The Conversation

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