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Leishmaniasis: this neglected tropical disease is spreading fast, and Europe is nowhere near prepared

By Francisco Javier Moreno Nuncio, Investigador Científico del Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Jefe del Centro Colaborador de la OMS para Leishmaniasis. , Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Christopher Fernandez-Prada, Associate Professor at Université de Montréal (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences); Head of the animal parasitology diagnostic laboratory of UdeM; Adjunct professor McGill University (Faculty of Medicine) and Laval University (Faculty of Sciences)., Université de Montréal
In recent decades, Europe has seen a worrying increase in cases of vector-borne tropical diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya. The climate directly affects the spread and distribution of pathogen-transmitting insects like mosquitoes…The Conversation

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