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Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer should emulate Boris Johnson’s distinctive smile – here’s the research that shows why

By Carl Senior, Reader in Behavioural Sciences, Aston University
Erik P. Bucy, Regents Professor of Strategic Communication, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University
Patrick Stewart, Professor of Political Science, University of Arkansas
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir Starmer will meet in multiple TV debates over the course of the election campaign. Neither is considered a big personality, so this will be a test for both men.

TV debates are an opportunity to reach people who often aren’t fully engaged with politics. For many, this will be the first time they’ve sat down and watched either leader speak for an extended time.

Our research shows that preparation for these debates should not just include issue prep and practising attack lines. Starmer and Sunak should also rehearse their…The Conversation

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