Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Online shoppers behave differently after chatting with staff of the opposite gender, new research shows – here’s why businesses should be paying attention

By Yoonseock Son, Assistant Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations, University of Notre Dame
Angela Aerry Choi, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Sungkyunkwan University
Corey Angst, Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations, University of Notre Dame
Kaitlin Wowak, Associate Professor of IT, Analytics and Operations, University of Notre Dame
In a digital world where people are mere pixels on a screen, gender bias can show up in unexpected forms. That’s what our research team found in a field experiment published in the Journal of Operations Management.

When people are online, anonymity and physical detachment embolden them to behave in biased ways, previous work has shown. As professors who study business…The Conversation

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