Discrimination in the University: Causes, Forms and Paths to Solutions

What forms of discrimination can be observed on campus? How are they manifested? Is it possible to overcome discrimination, whether racial, linguistic or religious? If so, what are the paths to solutions? The Tolerance.ca® group and the Communications Department at the University of Sudbury organized an event on campus to mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It featured five students from the federated universities of Laurentian University of Sudbury.
The event was attended by Dr. Andrii Krawchuk, rector of the University of Sudbury, and Lucie Beaupré, secretary general. Each of the students who spoke at the event received a grant from Tolerance.ca®, as part of its series on the diversity of values and religious beliefs in colleges and universities, presented with the financial support of Canadian Heritage.
Maintaining a happy medium
The first person to speak was Serge Dupuis, a history student. He noted that over the past few months, a number of issues related to “reasonable accommodation” have made the headlines. He pointed out that “in terms of its history, Canada is a Christian nation with French and English roots.” As a result, the symbols, celebrations, operating procedures and customs that form the legacy of that tradition should be respected. “If we allow all cultural groups to celebrate their own traditions and express themselves in public,” he said, “we must do the same for the majority groups. Identity expression by majority groups should not be perceived as a threat to multiculturalism.”
Jean Goabe, who is studying nursing science, explained that sometimes, what seems to be a case of discrimination may simply be a misunderstanding that can be cleared up by open communication. He used a personal experience to illustrate this idea. He described having received a low mark for work that he thought was well done. Only after he discussed the situation with the professor did he learn that his paper had been corrected by an assistant who was unfamiliar with the evaluation criteria. Mr. Goabe, who is of African descent, maintains that talking with the professor allowed him to clear up a problem he had hastily attributed to discrimination.
Timothy Jackson is a geography student. When it was his turn to speak, he expressed the opinion that discrimination has always existed and is based on mutual incomprehension. He noted that spontaneously, people tend to prefer what they know. That is why, in his view, groups with similar characteristics end up sitting together in the cafeteria. Nonetheless, he advised the audience to watch out for stereotypes spread on campus through jokes in bad taste.
Discrimination by omission
The lively contribution by Rosine Twagirimana, a student in social work, was almost like a court plea. She denounced the systematic discrimination against disabled people, pointing to the lack of appropriate devices to make life easier for people in wheelchairs and those with visual or hearing impairments. In her opinion, this form of discrimination is more a matter of lack of awareness than of malicious intent. She believes the shortage of adapted infrastructures and devices is the reason for the low number of disabled students on the Laurentian campus. Ms. Twagirimana called on the university authorities to model themselves on other educational institutions, particularly Collège Boréal, where students with physical disabilities seem to thrive.
The tricky question of language
Communications student Lucie Groulx tackled the tricky question of language, an especially sensitive issue in a supposedly bilingual environment. Ms. Groulx expressed regret that some public service jobs at the university were held by unilingual English-speaking employees, that certain courses in purportedly bilingual programs were given in English only, and that the association of francophone students was underfinanced. In her opinion, the situation reflects a set of circumstances that, coming on top of others, undermined the status of French and even went so far as to endanger the university’s bilingualism. She concluded by saying that the only way to turn things around was through strong administrative action.
The language question quickly monopolized the discussion. A heated exchange followed, with the participants divided between pessimism and optimism. On the one hand, there were those who think it’s a losing battle because even francophone students willingly use English in their everyday conversations. A Laurentian professor described a telling incident. Hearing two students speaking in English after his class, he asked them why. “It’s the language of communication,” one of them answered.
On the other hand, others noted the progress made by French, in Ontario in general and at Laurentian in particular. They pointed to this very event, which represented progress because it broke the rule that says that as soon as there is an anglophone in the room, the discussion will automatically be held in English. Despite the fact that unilingual anglophones were taking part in the discussion—one on the panel, the other an audience member—the evening was held essentially in French, with the occasional exchange in English. “Unheard of at this university!” commented one of the guests.
*Editor’s Note: Three universities are federated with Laurentian: Huntington University, Thorneloe University and University of Sudbury. Laurentian also has two affiliated colleges: University College of Hearst and Algoma University College in Sault Ste. Marie.
PHOTOS by Brent Wohlberg
English translation: Christine York
See also the events organized at Collège de Saint-Laurent and Vanier College.

This event was held on March 21, 2007. It was organized in collaboration with Tolerance.ca® as part of a series on the diversity of values and religious beliefs in colleges and universities, presented with the financial support of:
* Professor Osée Kamga (left) with students Timothy Jackson, Serge Dupuis, Lucie Groulx, Jean Goabe and Rosine Twagirimana.
******* Professor Kamga moderating the discussion.
******** Professor Kamga presenting a grant to Lucie Groulx, one of the participants.