Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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AIPAC does not speak for most American Jews

(Version anglaise seulement)
par , collaborateur
The recent mini-crisis in U.S. Israel relations is probably, given the needs of both parties, going to fade from the headlines but behind the scenes the issues will still fester. It was shameful that right wing lobbyists for Israel in the United States, ignored the main points in contention. AIPAC, the largest and wealthiest such lobby, viewed the announcement of 1600 new housing units in East Jerusalem, as only a “bureaucratic error” and stuck to their tired line that the United States and Israel have identical interests. It was the Obama administration that they faulted, for allowing the unfortunately timed announcement to create a rift between the two nations.
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* Secretary Clinton speaks to the 2010 AIPAC Policy Conference, at the Washington Convention Center, March 22, 2010. Image :

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